Thursday, November 15, 2012

When Guys Don't Tell the Whole Truth by Danielle Nelson

I am a 39-year-old woman and I started dating when I was 16. I have a ton of examples of guys not telling the whole truth. They will say, “I am not seeing anyone else,” “I love you,” “I only have two kids,” “I own my own business,” “I have good credit,” “I am not married,” “This is my car,” “I own this home,” “I am going to marry you,” “I was hanging out with my friends,” “I am going over to my mom’s house,” “She is lying,” “My phone was in the car,” “I was not with her,” “I will be there at 5:00 p.m.,” “You look great,” and “You’re the only one for me.”  When we lie, it will catch up with us. A good rule to remember is that for every action, there is a reaction.


Sometimes people tell little white lies to make a person feel better. I am married to a wonderful man for three years now. Even my husband does not tell the whole truth. For example, he did not want to tell me the truth about how I looked. I gained 40 pounds, during and after the pregnancy of my son. He told me several times, “You look great.”  This was a big fat lie. It was my mother who told me my weight gain was out of control.  I love her so much for that.


In another example, I told my husband when we were dating that he would have to stop chewing tobacco. I found tobacco on the carpet of the driver’s side in his truck, after I had paid to have his truck detailed.  He was caught red handed. I am very fortunate that these are the only lies my husband has told, that I know of. I still trust him completely.   


Other people lie to manipulate for a hidden agenda. Years ago I dated a guy who fathered my daughter. He told me he only had three kids. I found out when I was pregnant he had eight or nine kids. At the end of our relationship, he still would not tell me the truth about the correct number of kids he had. The relationship was over. I would not be with a man who did not acknowledge his kids. We dated for a year. My daughter is eight years old, and her father is not in her life. In the end, he was treating my daughter just like his other kids, not acknowledging her. He told me the reason he lied was because he knew I would not date someone with so many kids. I believe his hidden agenda was to trap me and have me help him financially. 


When I was in the military (stationed in Korea), a guy I was dating told me he was single.  I found out when he went state side that he was married. We had dated for eight months.  This guy’s hidden agenda was he wanted some female company while overseas, which can be very lonely. He just used me for a temporary fix. In both cases, the guys were able to keep up the lie for a long period of time. I often wonder how they were able to live a lie for so long. I also dated a guy who told me “I will never get married again.” When I started to fall in love with him, I decided to break if off because it would never lead to marriage. I found out a year later he had married someone. This person just did not have the courage to tell me the truth that he did not want to marry me.


I’m not completely innocent; I’ve lied, too. I was dating a guy who would spend a lot of money on me. When he told me he loved me, I told him “I love you, too.” I told a lie; I did not love him. I just cared about him like a friend. I shortly ended the relationship after the “I love you” lie. This really hurt the guy because he thought the relationship was going well. He disliked me after the breakup. This really stunk because now I had an enemy. This is a lesson I learned later in my life. It is unfortunate I hurt some people before I learned this lesson. In this situation it would have been easier to just tell the guy that I did not love him when he had told me he loved me. Years later we talked and he forgave me. Now I will tell the truth in most situations. Most of my friends say that I am the mean one. This is mostly because when people ask me a question or for my opinion, I will tell them truth. This is a small price to pay being the mean friend.  I consider an individual a very strong person when he or she can tell the truth in any situation. We truly need more honest Abe’s in world.


We all lie, but you must learn the difference between the lie to make someone feel better and the lie that can hurt someone. I know that telling the truth sometimes hurts. But if you really care about the person you will tell him or her the truth.  


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