Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Construction by Yvonne White

Every 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Madonna University, spring/summer semester 2012, there would be construction, which I cannot stand. The heavy noise sometimes scared me. There were times I thought the building was collapsing, with me inside.
I was forced to move from room to room because the construction workers were renovating each room. I forced myself to go to places in the Academic Building to read, like the Take Five and the library, despite the heat.
The construction made me shiver and become frustrated due to the drilling, pounding and tearing down walls. The construction was so loud that I thought I was going to become deaf.
I wanted the workers to stop. I knew they wanted to make the school attractive, and they were working hard to make the school beautiful, but I wanted them to stop before I became deaf! I could not wait for it to be over so that I could have peace of mind.

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