Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pet Peeves by Cody Griffin

We all have those things that bother us, annoy us, or that we just can’t deal with in today’s world. They can range from little things to big things, and sometimes we just can’t get away from them. We try to avoid them, but that doesn’t always work, out and they just have to be dealt with. There’s an ongoing list of what bothers us in this world, and these are called pet peeves.


Where to start? It’s hard to say what could possibly be on my top list of pet peeves, but there are definitely a few. For starters, boy, for starters, slow drivers. We all get them and it happens every day. Let me tell you, there are multiple ones and they come in all shape and sizes, age and gender. It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, but when someone who is in the left-hand lane is going 30 mph when it’s clearly 40 or 45 mph and doesn’t have any intention to go to the right-hand lane… those are the kind of people who bother me a lot. Not just slow drivers, either. People who don’t use their turn signals when turning, or using their turn signals just when they start going into a turn. People who don’t turn on yellow when they can clearly make it through the light, or people who, while waiting for the light to turn green, don’t start driving until five seconds or so after the light has turned green. Last but definitely not least, are people who tailgate you while driving when you’re doing the speed limit or a little over it, and yet they won’t stop tailgating you or try passing you.


Another pet peeve on my list of many is people who bring their baby everywhere they go. It could be in the grocery store, or if we are waiting in line and the baby is non-stop crying and the mother or father doesn’t stop the baby from crying. When a family takes a baby to a restaurant and the baby is crying the entire time while you are trying to eat your dinner and the parents can’t stop him or her from crying. At this point, you are in a rush to finish your dinner to get out of there. A family takes their 18-month-old baby into the movie theater, and during the movie, the baby starts crying. Instead of taking the baby out of the theater, they keep it in the theater while the movie is still playing. Everybody hopes the baby stops crying, but it doesn’t.


Slow people in front of me. We all have met them while doing something: Walking, jogging, running, biking, driving, or just waiting in line for something. This can happen to all of us at any time, and unfortunately, we have to deal with them and either (depending what the situation is), go around them, or be dealt the cards we have and suck it up. For me, I bike a lot around the park, and for that, people can easily get in the way or be slow. While riding my bike, people can be inconvenient at times, and people can be very oblivious.


 A huge pet peeve is waiting in line behind someone who takes forever! Everyone has encountered these kinds of people, sometimes while standing in line waiting to order food and people decide to take their sweet time when picking from a list of foods like it’s their first time here, but really, they’ve been here pretty often. This also includes people standing in line at a bank, just talking to the cashier, having a conversation that is completely irrelevant to what they originally were going to do.

This list of pet peeves can be endless, but it’s consolidated into a very short list of what annoys me. The urge to say something to people is eagerly waiting, but on the other hand, it would be very disrespectful to do so… but time will tell when that happens. Everyone has his or her pet peeve, and the list can go on forever, but in the end, this is what makes us human, and we should enjoy the little things in life!  

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